Sunday 13 April 2008

Glyconutrients Supplements And High Blood Pressure

A great number of people think that "high blood pressure" is a health condition. We have all heard someone say, "I have high blood pressure." Is it really something that you "have" though, like a sickness? No. Let me tell you why.

High blood pressure is not a disease or condition. It is a symptom. A lot of people use drugs to "lower their blood pressure", or the symptoms. Drugs are used to hide the symptoms. If the firemen showed up at your house and saw billowing smoke and then simply installed a couple fans and air purifiers to get rid of the smoke and left, your house would still eventually be consumed by fire. Why not get rid of the problem, or the fire in this case? That is why I rely on personal education and a healthy diet. Good nutrition can be the best preventative medicine.

What are Glyconutrients?
Certain glyconutrients are found naturally in different amounts in freshly picked, "vine-ripened" fruits and vegetables, but not in the produce from your grocery store. The word glyconutrient was coined by Mannatech, Inc. and comes from the Greek term "glyco" which means sweet. A literal translation of the word is "sweet nutrients." Glyconutrients are touted as an optimum nutritional supplement, as "sugars that heal." Research and studies in the field of glycomics has recently shown that the very foundations of life are dependent on these glycoproteins on the surface of the cells. Without these glycoforms on the outside of the cells, your body's cells cannot communicate properly and optimum health is therefore not attainable. While glyconutrients are all natural and not any kind of drug, they are essential to proper health. Glyconutrients are also not disease-specific. It would not make sense to say that they "cure" anything.

Due to the results that people are having with them, excitement is growing very fast. Glyconutrients are promoted as an optimum nutritional supplement with a wide range of positive health effects, to include maintaining an optimum blood pressure level. Helping to improve health and thereby lower high blood pressure is just one of the many health benefits that come from having sufficient glycoforms on the surface of your cells.

People with high blood pressure know from talking with their doctor that proper diet is important in maintaining a healthful blood pressure level. That's why there may be some truth that glyconutrients, as a dietary supplement can help maintain an optimal blood pressure level to avoid the complications of high or low blood pressure. Changing your diet can be complemented by taking glyconutrient food supplements.

Thousands of people are having exciting results with their health with just adding a daily glyconutrient regime to their diet. There are lots of scientific studies that have recently been published on glyconutrients. It is important, however, to note that glyconutrients are not a panacea or cure-all that can treat diseases. It is simply a dietary supplement that can help people achieve a healthy body but must still be combined with good diet, exercise and a clean, healthy lifestyle.

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Sunday 30 March 2008

Nutritional Supplements for Allergy Relief

According to the Cleveland Clinic, “allergies are the immune system’s incorrect response to a foreign substance. Exposure to what is normally a harmless substance, such as pollen, causes the immune system to react as if the substance is harmful. Substances that cause allergies are called allergens. When you come into contact with an allergen, you may experience a number of allergic symptoms including itchy, watery nose and eyes; asthma symptoms such as wheezing and coughing; or hives.”

On a scientific level, the first time an allergy-prone person is exposed to an allergen, large amounts of the corresponding IgE antibodies are produced. The IgE antibodies cause the mast cells to release inflammatory chemicals that cause swelling of tissues, as well as histamine and several other chemicals that cause itching, engorgement of blood vessels, increased secretions, and bronchospasm (tightening of muscles that surround the airways). Some of these chemicals attract white blood cells known as eosinophils. The eosinophils add more inflammatory chemicals.

There are different types of allergens. If you recognize the symptoms in your eyes, nose and lungs, your reaction is to something airborne. If you have problems with your stomach, mouth or intestines, the allergen had been ingested.

Scientists are discovering that nutritional supplements may be the simplest way to relieve allergy and sensitivity symptoms. Which vitamins are most noted?

• Vitamin C â€" This vitamin works as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It has been shown to block asthma attacks and allergic rhinitis symptoms. Vitamin C also helps remove environmental toxins from the body and helps with the formation of collagen to rebuild joint tissue damaged by allergy-induced arthritis.
• Vitamin E â€" Acts as an anti-inflammatory that blocks the activity of an enzyme that provokes inflammation. It helps maintain the elastic quality in cells. Research has shown asthma patients are often low in Vitamin’s C and E.
• Vitamin B5 â€" Produces adrenal hormones such as cortisol and has an antihistamine effect. This vitamin also reduces stress in the body.
• Magnesium â€" Serves as an adrenal and immune stimulate that relaxes smooth muscles and serves as a natural bronchodilator and antihistamine.

In addition to vitamins Chinese herbal medicine and botanicals can help you with your allergy relief. Chinese herbal formulas include apricot seed, astragalus, centipede, corydalis, chrysanthemum, ginseng, magnolia, perilla seed, and xanthium. Botanicals include but are not limited to Stinging Nettle, Ephedra, Ginkgo Bilboa, Licorice root, Chinese Skullcap, and Feverfew.

Choosing natural remedies first instead of over-the-counter medications will not only strengthen your body but will provide you with additional benefits. There is also fewer side effects.

So if you are looking to battle those allergies and recurrent reactions, look to nature first.

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